Fun Recipe To Enjoy at Home with your Child:
*Don’t feel like you need to use the full ⅔ Cup water. The amount you’ll use will be between ½ and ⅔ of a cup. Store the playdough in an air tight bag or these small containers. This recipe will fill 6 {2 oz.} mini cups.
- 1 Cup Flour
- ¼ Cup Salt
- 1 Packet Kool-Aid
- ⅔ Cup Water *You will end up using between ½ and ⅔ cup.
- 1 Tb. Oil
- Mix the flour, the salt, and the Kool-Aid together.
- Boil the water.
- Add the oil to the water.
- Pour some of the water into the dry ingredients and mix with a spoon. Keep adding water and work the dough until the color is uniform and feels like playdough.
*Don’t feel like you need to use the full ⅔ Cup water. The amount you’ll use will be between ½ and ⅔ of a cup. Store the playdough in an air tight bag or these small containers. This recipe will fill 6 {2 oz.} mini cups.
Our large outdoor play area has much to offer a child to explore outdoors in a safe environment offering gardening opportunities, large sand station, trikes and bikes, tee-pee fun, sensory station, art/paint station, swings, slides and tunnels.